Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A promise of Love: A post from our girl overseas

Ephesians 3:16-20 (Amplified Version.)


Go read it.

Com’n, right now- it doesn’t take that long people: just google it or bring it up on Bible Gateway or something. I just need you to read this verse for yourself.

Hold it.

Read it again. Soak it in- immerse yourself in its meaning, ask yourself questions about what it truly means…and what God wants it to mean to you personally. It meant something different for me-as it will for you!

The day I flipped to that particular scripture-I was having a rough day. Like: one of those, “cry-every-few-minutes” kind. I have those far and few between-but this was different. I needed the essence of that verse. I felt dry and cracked up inside-and all I wanted was to find some sort of acceptance or praise from somebody-but nothing was filling the gap. I needed Him.

Especially as teens: we focus WAY too much on grapeling with our own self esteem. We look to our friends, our parents, our teachers and pretty much anybody else but God. And there IS a point where we become so dry inside for a promise of love that we can’t take it anymore.

But in this verse, it not only is a promise of His love…Oh no, it goes beyond that. It is a “Blessing” to us…to not only experience that Love-but that others may come to know and desire that Love through watching us. THAT is powerful. Not only powerful-but world changing. This verse isn’t just some ‘encouragement for a sec’ guys. It’s a promise and a blessing. But you need to claim it for your own. So take that verse…In faith: accept it…rebuke the enemy for stealing it…receive the promise, and take it to heart…

Others watch and see… and will be astonished at the Love of Christ flowing through you. And they will ask. And know. And also receive.

And run with it too…



(Written here in Jakarta, Indonesia)

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